In America this is a huge holiday, and I've always loved it, not just for the food, but the fellowship with family and friends. The whole point of the holiday is remembering to say "Thank You", to God, to loved ones, to the people who work hard to keep your life smooth.
In China this holiday is widely unknown and uncelebrated. Those Chinese who have foreign friends are familiar with it and if the foreigner has a kitchen and oven and can cook decently, the Chinese friend may have tasted some of the holiday spread. But "Thank you" doesn't seem to be as widely used in China. With Judy, my tutor and best friend, she's like, "You never have to thank me.We're friends. It's just what friends do."
Regardless, as a believer and an American, I try to give thanks every day. Recently it's been more difficult with the stress, but we're to give thanks in every situation, so I've tried to continue being thankful in the midst of it all.
Here's my list:
1. I'm thankful that in any situation, God is involved.
2. I'm thankful that God has control. I'm not at the wheel in life because He's the Captain and I don't have to worry as much. I know I'm in good hands. I still worry a little, but there is always a peace that comes when I totally hand it over to Him.
3. I'm thankful for friends here in China. They always seem to call or text just in time when I'm about to lose it, and they help keep me sane. I love my friends. Life would be so dull without them, too. I also am thankful that they know they can call me when they need help--it's not a one way relationship--it's involved. They know I'll do my best to help them in any way, whether it's helping them with English, or just listening to them when they're sad, or when they are in a new place and need someone to just help keep
them sane!
4. I'm thankful for my students. I've grown to love them even when they do drive me a little crazy. They're fun, and have a lot of personality, and they're smarter than they credit themselves. They do tire me out, but they're worth the work and research I've had to do to teach them.
5. I'm thankful for my family. Without their constant encouragement, prayer, support, and feedback, I think I'd crumble. Living overseas is a big deal, but they've never put me down or said, "No, that's not what you should do." They believe in me, they love me, they lift me up, they're my biggest fans and I can't thank them enough or even find the words that will properly express my gratitude to them for all they've done. Stephen sometimes I'm thankful that your job wakes you up in the middle of the night and that it gives you a chance to call. I'm glad you think to call me when you're driving and needing to stay awake. While I'm here at least. :) Cause it's almost always when I'm awake and wanting to talk too! Tricia, I'm thankful you've been keeping in touch more. I really look forward to your calls and enjoy the talks.
6. I'm thankful for loving support from ch's back home. I know there are many back home loving and praying and supporting both me and my family. I don't have to worry about my family as much as they're going thorough health issues, surgeries, and recoveries, because I know God has covered them with His blessings in the form of people who love them dearly. God really knew what He was doing when He moved my family to Chandler. The love of this ch family is what we are supposed to be like. Always will to help, to share, to give, to visit, to listen, to pray, to lend a shoulder, to walk not just one extra mile, but the whole journey. Supporting and caring for my family is a huge part of supporting me. I can't say thank you enough.
7. I'm thankful for my extended family. Grandparents- two wonderful sets who LOVE LOVE LOVE God, who encourage me in the Spirit and have always wanted the best for me. My Uncle David and Aunt Angie and their family- Uncle David your excitement over the last few years for this kind of work has inspired me in new ways. Your excitement is spreading to those around you too. Amber the recent changes in you have also been a blessing. I am anticipating "meeting" you again! And little Bennett too. (BTW, I BRAG on him all the time to friends, English Corner, renren the Chinese facebook, and even to my classes :) Aunt Rene you've been through a lot more than you should have suffered the last year, but you've stayed strong and grown even more. I admire you and am praying for a better coming year. I love you all so much!
8. I'm thankful for my dog, Mahu. He's really a gift from Dad. I tell people that. God gave Mahu to me. He always makes me laugh and smile, and I love that he plays with his toys just so he can get a nice back scratch in the end. (He picks up a toy, squeaks it a few times, I get it and throw it, he brings it back once or twice but he's gotten to where he won't fetch anymore than that cause he comes over to me and does his little "back scratch" dance.) I love his adorable run. It makes everyone watching happy. He can't run and not give smiles to everyone within 50 meters. He's my baby he knows it. He helps me make friends. Everyone in the community knows him! Random people I don't even know will come up to him and say "Hi Mahu!" and I'm like, "How do you know his name?" Haha.
9. I'm thankful for the last year. It was hard, stressful, tiring, and a challenge. Working for a college teaching the lowest level students in the entire University with no materials and no help of any kind and no communication with leaders with low pay is far from ideal. But, I've learned so much, and compiled a decent collection of lesson plans if I ever get to teach older groups again. I never went without, and have even managed to save a good bit despite the low pay. I've gotten to meet some great students, some of which I plan to keep in touch with even after my time is done here in this school.
10. I'm thankful for the two Chinese teachers I've gotten to know the last few months. They reached out to learn from me (amazing, eh? I'm a new teacher myself, but they still wanted to learn from me! And they wanted to use the materials I'd worked to put together. Wow. Big deal.) Helen and Tina are sweethearts, and I want to continue our friendship and keep in touch with them.
11. I'm thankful for Adventures in Odyssey. From as far back as I can remember, I've listened to AIO. I've fallen in love with the characters (literally. God, where is MY Wooten?!) and have learned so much, from history, to Bible, to random silly facts. Life wouldn't be the same without AIO. I've laughed and cried and even gotten angry and sad as I listen to the characters stories unfold. They're like best friends. When
Hal Smith died (first voice of Whit) I cried. When
Paul Herlinger died (the second voice of Whit), I cried then too. When
Walker Edmiston died, (the voices of Tom Riley and Bart Rathbone) I cried again. It's been such a huge part of life, I think if
Katie Leigh (Connie) or
Townsend Coleman (Jason Whitaker and the 7-Up dot), or
Jess Harnell (Wooton), or
Will Ryan (Eugene), came over to visit at my house, Mahu would be just as excited because he knows their voices so well from years of listening to them!
12. I'm thankful for God's Word. It gets me peace, conviction, truth, guidelines, correction, training, and everything it says it's useful for in 2 Tim. 3:16。
13. I'm thankful for the opportunity God has given to stay in China. He provided a job for the future and I'm excited to give it a try and learn and grow and stretch myself even more. I'm looking forward to the challenge of high-energy classes teaching kids.
14. I'm thankful that the new job will provide housing, and will help find off campus/in town housing for me.
15. I'm thankful that I have foreign friends here to celebrate the holiday with. I'm not going to have to celebrate alone or so differently.
16. I'm thankful that I have like-minded friends to fellowship with each week.
17. I'm thankful that even when I return, I'll have people to fellowship with each week. He won't leave me out to dry!
18. I'm thankful for heating. The school took a few weeks getting it on, but since then I've slept well and stayed pretty healthy.
19. I'm thankful that I got to see snow! Twice!
20. I'm thankful that I'll be home in time for Christmas with family. Maybe I'll bring some snow home with me. But not so much that it's too dangerous for everyone to travel to see family!
21. I'm thankful that I have access to butter to make flaky pie crust for my pecan pies. :)
22. I'm thankful for all the great things God has done in my life this year. I can't name them all here on a list. But He's blessed in so many ways. I'm thankful that He saved one of my close friends, that He's working on others. That He's taught me new things and carried me through the hard times. God is good--all the time. I'm thankful for that.
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone.
gǎn'ēn jié kuài lè!